Monday 24 March 2014


Helo bawb.. sori nad yda chi wedi clywed dim ers sbel go hir. Fy esgus… ac yn wir, y gwir reswm… prysurdeb bywyd mewn plwyfi ac Ardal Cenhadaeth newydd!

Peth arbennig ac eto rhyfadd ydi iaith… Tydi "Lle i enaid gael llonydd…" jest ddim yn cyfiethu i'w lawn botensial i'r Saesneg nac ydi! Mae ein hiaith mor sbesial… dwi ddim yn meddwl ein bod yn gwerthfawrogi yn llawn bod gennym eiriau megis… 'hiraeth'… na ellir byth eu cyfiethu i iaith arall heb gynnig brawddeg a rhagor o eiriau! A phwy all feddlw i fod yn ddigon hyderus i gyfieithu… 'Lle i enaid gael llonydd' - gan fynegi y neges i'w lawn botensial… Tydi'r geiriau - 'A place for the soul to have rest'… ddim cweit yn mynegi yr ystyr nac ydi… er ei fod yn ymdrech go lew!!!
Pam fy mod yn parablu ymlaen am "Lle i enaid gael llonydd"/ Wel, oherwydd mod i ar hyn o bryd yn Loyola Hall, canolfan encil arbennig. Dwi yma am wythnos yn helpu gyda encil fel Cyfarwyddwr Ysbrydol, ac yn cael cyfle i gael encil fy hunan. A dyma fi yn cael ychydig o amswer i ddiweddaru y blogg!

Hia all, it has been a long while since i last sent a blogg… sorry. Sanant, my young teacher friend who helped me set up the blogg sent me an email yesterday asking what's happening with my blogg, she wondered if I had forgotten all she had taught me!!! No I haven't forgotten - my excuse is that I am very busy in my new Parishes and Mission Area!

But this week I am at Loyola Hall Jesuit Spirituality Centre helping as a Visiting Spiritual Director. Although working, I am having time to myself for prayer and catching up with tasks!

Loyola Hall has been an important place for me and I have much to thank the staff here. This is where I trained as a Spiritual Director, the place where I had my 30 day Ignatian retreat, and it has certainly be a place where I have experienced growth in personal faith.

Sadly the centre is to close it's doors in a month's time and all the community members and staff will be relocated… there is much sadness among the community members and staff and also among those who come regularly to loyola Hall for their retreat.

Loyola Hall in bloom with spring flowers in the grounds.

So what is happening in the Parishes and in the Mission Area?

A good chapter meeting with Terence and Alex resulted in us deciding that future chapter meetings would happen once a month and that retired clerics who are active in the Mission Area, and all Readers, will be invited.

We are having a joint Mission Area Lent discussion group - working with the Lent programme - Finding a Voice - based on the film - The King's Speech.

We have a meeting set up for May for everyone and especially Mission Area Conference members… whereby we will address and discuss 20/20 vision and it's implications to our mission Area. Philip Chew is joining us for the meeting which is great. Philip will be able to share his experience of setting up a mission Area in a similar setting in Dyffryn Clwyd.

We have as a Mission Area agreed on some matters pertaining to business i.e. to set the same fees for funerals and weddings, to have a policy as regards baptism requests.

Alex is taking lead with the Abermule project - which involves church planting and hosting a Christian service in the local school hall once a month. The Diocese is supporting this project financially. I will assist and support Alex and a singing group from All Saints church will attend the services to help with the music and singing.

The singing group is being encouraged to help encourage other churches who may need a boost and some help re singing and music. the group is ready and willing.

We have a Saturday set aside for all Worship Leaders and Readers to discuss liturgy… in the hope that we can create some new liturgy material for various services - that will be used through ought the Mission Area.

Readers and Worship Leaders are being encouraged to consider working in parishes other than their own home parish - and there is a willingness and eagerness to do this.

My own group of parishes… what news?

We have had a de-cluttering session at all three churches - we have a little more free space now!

Pastoral Assistants are soon to be trained to take the reserved sacrament to parishioners homes and they are excited about this.

We have had a PCC meeting at St Gwynog's Church, Aberhafesp; Llanllwchaiarn and Newtown are having their PCC meeting next week.

Faculty has already been granted to remove the organ from All Saints Church and to remove the choir stalls from the chancel. Allen's Organs have visited and we have arranged to have a demonstration evening at All Saints in May - in the hope that we'll be able to encourage parishioners to make a donation towards the cost of a new organ console.

A faculty needs to be submitted to have an aumbry fixed at All Saints for the use of the three churches - for the purpose of home communions etc.

There is plenty more to do… and not quite enough time to do everything! There is an excellent group of assistants in the parishes… my predecessor has done an excellent job in encouraging lay ministry - thank you Andy.

All for now from Loyola Hall,

God bless,


But this I 

Sunday 9 March 2014


Sgen i ddim obadeia syniad pryd nes sgweenu y blogg diwethaf… a wir sori nad ydw i wedi bod mewn cysylltiad o gwbl… Dwi yn ol… dwi dal yn fyw…
So be sy wedi digwydd ers imi gysylltu ddiwethaf… lot fawr!!!
So ffwrdd a ni…..

I have no idea what the date of that last blogg was!

I am truly sorry that I haven't sent a blogg for ages… but I am back… and yes, I am still alive… and surviving in my new setting.

So, what's been happening since I last sent word… Lots!!!

So off we go… or off I go!

First, can I say that I am not merely 'surviving' in my new context… I feel that I am actually thriving… perhaps the parishioners here wouldn't agree… but Wyn and I feel so warmly accepted, and by now so very connected… we are settled, we are happy and we are here to stay! That is… until God decides he has other plans for me… I have informed him that I do things in ten yearly stages… I will hear about my next move - which will be retirement - in just under 10 years time!!!

Rev Alex Mayes has by now been inducted to the Kerry group of Parishes. She is a true breath of fresh air. She comes with enthusiasm, excitement and energy and i am so looking forwards to working alongside Alex.

In the context of the group of parishes I have responsibility for, I am getting more and more acquainted with who is who, what is what… etc. i am very blessed to be part of such a hardworking and enthusiastic team. Every monday morning we have a staff meeting - involving two retired priests who are a real blessing and source of support - Michael Comer and Alan Backhouse, three committed Readers. one of whom is a pastoral worker in one of the parishes.

Easter is coming and the rota is already prepared… I had no choice…  'The Cedewain' - our Mission Area monthly magazine, needs all the information well in hand… and so this really keeps us all on our toes!

Something I feared was made a fairly easy and straightforward procedure… there are so many hands on deck here it is just a real joy and pleasure. I think my only concern is that the Readers, Worship Leaders Pastoral Assistants… please don't make me redundant!!!! There is a tremendous sense of working together and reaching out to the vulnerable in our community - people who are really dedicated in the mission of reaching out. And this just 'happens'… which is how it should be! A Parish Church, or indeed any other Church dedicated to Jesus Christ, shouldn't have to specify on a particular policy, and get PCC permission, to go out there to do God's mission. I am glad to be part of a group of Parishes that have taken mission and outreach on board!

All three churches are having a spring clean - better described as a de-cluttering exercise… I think this reflects very much on my style and possibly on my way of doing things… - (just ask them at Bala!) I have heard on more than one occasion - "you are our new Rector, whatever you say goes". And I respond, "Yes, I am your new Rector, but whatever I say must not just 'go' and 'be simply accepted'!

The spring clean has been a therapeutic process… it's main purpose… making space!!!

On a Mission Area level:

We have had our first Mission Area Conference and there was a good attendance and i think a positive response. All delegated members were invited to attend as well as all who are licences within the Mission Area to serve as Readers, Worship Leaders, Pastoral Leaders, all Wardens, PCC Secretaries, Treasurers etc.

A rather larger group than usual!
For the simple reason that if we are to work collaboratively and develop into a healthy Mission Area, where we do really work together then it is essential that all those who were invited to the meeting were actually invited. They are integral to the mission group, it's development - it's today, tomorrow and it's future. Gone are the days when the clerics meet together and prescribe!!!

We have now in the planning:

Regular Chapter meetings every month - for Clerics, Retired Clerics and Readers - we value the wisdom and experience that retired clerics can share with us… and we are fortunate to have retired clerics who value us younger clerics as ones with wisdom and integrity and a willingness to listen and learn.

We have a Mission Area Lent course planned - and hopefully Alex, terence and myself will be able to participate and lead as well as some other leaders who have been nurtured within the mission area.

We have identified that there is a sense of isolation for some of the smaller churches leaders - and so we have now in the planning - training sessions for Pastoral Assistants and Worship Leaders. Readers are well looked after within the diocese and the province, but there is nothing on a diocesan or provincial level for other groups - on a regular training needs basis - perhaps something I need to take to a future Mission area meeting / gathering… I would happen to be attending an overnight conference for mission areas from tomorrow lunchtime to Tuesday lunchtime.

An interesting conversation occurred this morning following the normal Sunday services… a very interesting conversation indeed… a conversation I have had with Alex on a one to one, and to Mary our very dedicated and talented organist (who is also a churchwarden at Dolfor Church…), (yes, you need to look and study the Diocesan directory to make sense of this situation - but Mary is happy, Dolfor Church is happy, Alex is happy, and I am happy!!!).

The conversation also involved Patrick, who is involved with the handbells at All Saints Church and who is also involved with the music group who take part once a month. I have had the vision from the beginning that this music group will be a travelling gypsy… and today Mary and Patrick approached me very sensitively to broach the very same idea!!! So here goes… the gypsy singing group are soon to be on tour around the Mission Area… helping and encouraging those Parishes who need support and encouragement!

There is much more to share… but for now I will say goodnight… and ask you to pray for Archdeacon Peter Pike and his wife Debbs and his close family, friends and parish… as he is recovering now from his illness.

Nos da,
